Refund Policy

I stand behind my products. I want people to be happy with my wings and other products.

Please contact me (Kala Bijoux) if you need ANY help with your wings (or any of the other products we sell).
I want to help. Honestly.
If you send me a detailed IM, it is much easier for me to help you. And quicker too.

Your IMs are my first priority when I log onto SL.
However, I am not on SL 24/7 so please show patience and restraint if I do not answer you right away.

Please use the posing stands to try out the wings before you buy them.

Refund policy on Transfer items

All refunds for transfer-able items will require you to give me back the wings and HUD.

When giving me an item, please put your name either in a notecard in the folder or in the folder name, or I have NO idea who gave me the wings.
Please IM me (Kala Bijoux) with the reason why you want a refund and a purchase date in addition to giving me the wings.

No refunds for buyer's remorse (ie - you've had them for a while and nothing is wrong with them, you just want a refund so you can buy something else.)

No refunds for items you have had for over 10 days.

If you IM Kala Bijoux requesting a return (within the 10 days of purchase), I will honor your request
even if we do not connect within the 10 day time frame.
So there is no need to panic if I do not get back to you right away due to vacation or RL stuff.
Just be sure you left me an IM or dropped a notecard on me stating date of purchase, name, and requesting a refund.

If it is over 10 days, and your item has a bug (hey, it happens), please IM me and I will give you a non-buggy version.
Please be prepared to give me back the wings so I can see what is wrong.

If you have a problem with the wings - something not working, please IM me with a detailed description.
I will be more than happy to fix it for you or give you a refund.
Please be prepared to give me back the wings so I can see what is wrong.

Fit problems - If you have a problem with the fit, please IM me.
I may be able to help. Again, I will refund here if we just can't make it work, but the 10 day rule applies.

If you buy an item twice accidentally, IM me for a refund. Please do IM me that day so I can verify this in my account information.

Refund policy on No Transfer items

I will ONLY refund on duplicate items purchased - that is, you bought 2 or more copies of the same item.
Again, this must be addressed with 10 days of purchase.
Please IM Kala Bijoux with the name of the item purchased twice and the date of purchase.


Material Squirrel Wings is not responsible for wings that:

I will make exceptions if you can give me proof that you owned the wings.
Some examples of proof:

I will try to work with you to find proof or resolve these issues,
but the bottom line is that Material Squirrel Wings cannot be held responsible for content loss or damage
that is outside of our control.

I do not offer refunds or exchanges for Material Squirrel wings or other products bought
through any other vendor or avatar (meaning 3rd party vendors like resellers or yard sales).
I do not sponsor any reselling programs and so I cannot guarantee and have no control over what the people are selling.
(This does not include items bought at other store locations like Nomine or Opus Labs, I offer full support for those products.)

Thank you,
Kala Bijoux

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